
Some accept the limits,

That box in their whole lives,

They give up far too quickly,

On all the things they try.

It’s not that they can’t dream it,

‘Cause everybody can,

But when it comes down to it,

Don’t follow through their plan.

And when they meet with failure,

You know it’s not if, when,

They just throw in the towel,

And don’t begin again.

But those who win are different,

They fall, get up and go,

Even when it’s painful,

And somehow they know,

That if they keep on keeping on,

It’s worth all that they pay,

Keep sowing seeds for harvest,

And know they’ll be okay.

They trust that God will help them,

They work and walk by faith,

Take action, stay proactive,

But don’t forget to pray.

The miracles that happen,

They think can be their own,

And if you were to ask them,

They say they’ve always known,

That someday it would happen,

The blessing and the break,

And they just keep on going,

To do what ere it takes.

Too old, too young, too something,

Too late to get it done,

They make no excuses,

They’re having too much fun.

God will use anybody,

But doers, God’s own tools,

In His hands they’re world changers,

To silence this world’s fools.

They cowboy up and let ‘er buck,

And never will look back,

Whoop and spur, let fly the fur,

No matter what they lack.

So don’t you ever doubt it,

If a failure’s all you’ve been,

The Lord says you can do it,

By His grace you can win.

“I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” (Matthew 17:20, NLT)

Excercising faith and taking action removes every impossibility. Mustard seeds are small, but potentially produce large harvests. We are taught by scripture that faithing is all about praying and doing. Some miracles will never happen unless we pray in faith. Some won’t unless we act in faith. The best approach is to do both. Work like it all depends on you and pray like it all depends on God. The most spiritual people according to the scriptures do both consistently. The closer they get to God, the more powerfully they help other human beings. It all goes together. The mustard-seed faith that moves mountains was described by Jesus in the context of helping a demon-possessed boy. When we attempt things that we otherwise could never accomplish, it is God’s grace that sees us through, and best of all, He gets the glory. Stop listening to the voices that limit you and crowd you into a box of human expectation or shame. Let God lead you to do what you’ve never done so that you may see a harvest you’ve never seen.

Lord, help us to plant a miracle seed today, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain