"My Savior"
My Savior and my dearest friend,
Who says He is with me,
I cannot fathom His great love,
And how this all can be.
I only know I love Him so,
The One who took my place,
My grievous sin He suffered then,
So I could see His face.
His Spirit sweet made sure to meet,
Me right where I had need,
The only One knew all I’d done,
Made real what God decreed.
And now I’m free ‘cause I can be,
All the Lord has planned,
Cleansed, made new, empowered to do,
The flame within me fanned.
Risen Christ and coming King,
I confess Your name,
You reign and rule, no devil cruel,
Can steal what You have gained.
“I am the living one. I died, but look- I am alive forever and ever! and I hold the keys to death and the grave.” (Rev. 1:18, NLT).
Jesus holds the keys to everything that matters. What needs to be unlocked for you? Peace and contentment? Purpose and meaning? Assurance concerning what happens when you die? An old wound that you cannot forgive? A relationship that needs help and healing? The list could go on. When Jesus said He came to give us abundant life, It covers the entire scope of human existence for time and eternity. His is our victory, and ultimately death itself will be banished. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, but the impact of Jesus being alive forevermore is more than the celebration of an annual event. It is the key to everything. Come, follow Him, and find life.
Lord, teach us what it means to receive abundant life, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.