"New Birth"

How can an old man do it,

That’s what He asked the Lord,

‘Cause Jesus had surprised him,

With this important word.


And that was being born again,

Was the only way,

Of getting in the Kingdom,

That’s what he heard Him say.


But no old man can enter,

His mother’s womb again,

So what did Jesus really mean,

When He said what He did then.


Jesus said it was the Spirit,

That gave one this new birth,

And when it happens to you,

It’s the greatest thing on earth.


‘Cause it will get you started,

On a life with Christ in charge,

Ends when you get to heaven,

Life eternal and so large.


The Spirit gives this birth to you,

And then the power, too,

To live and die in Jesus,

And to Him be true.


Don’t you be surprised then,

When someone says to you,

Jesus said, be born again,

‘Cause it’s the best of news.


We die to live in Jesus,

Put our selfishness aside,

Give control up to the Spirit,

And in His grace abide.


So find your new beginning,

Let the Spirit give to you,

A new birth that’s forever,

And a new life with it, too.

“So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again.’” (John 3:7, NLT)

Being born again, according to Jesus, is the only way to see or enter God’s KIngdom. God’s Kingdom is a present and future reality. It is embracing God’s rule in our lives. This journey begins when the Holy Spirit gives us a new beginning. This hinges upon the decision to surrender our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Unless this surrender is made, the new birth is impossible. No matter what we say we believe, it is this shift of control that triggers the Spirit’s work in our lives. Once done, the Spirit then transforms our lives from the inside out. New life follows new birth.

Lord, help us begin by the Spirit and then cooperate with His power, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain