"No Compromise"
Why can’t we just realize,
That every time we compromise,
The peace we value always goes away.
It interrupts the flow,
Of the Spirit, don’t you know,
We might miss what Jesus has to say.
And that is how we live,
He always wants to give,
His word to those who listen carefully.
Calls each one by name,
Eternally the same,
Embracing Him will always set us free.
To do His perfect will,
Seek holiness until,
He comes or these old bodies we lay down.
But either way we know,
The salt and light we show,
To share with all the wondrous grace we’ve found.
“As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’” (1 Peter 1:16, NIV)
Holiness does not mean having a “holier-than-thou” attitude toward others. It simply means that we seek to live a life of no compromise. We want to obey the Lord because of His love, and when we discover areas that need to change we embrace it wholeheartedly. Being holy means we are loyal to Jesus first, and our relationship with Him disconnects us from some behaviors that were part of our past. It may at times separate us from unsafe people. But so be it. Nothing matters more than doing what the Lord has called us to do.
Lord, lead us into holiness, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mary Ross Buchholz, used by permission. Thanks, Mary, and God bless you.