"No Favorites"
God is not like humans,
Who pick those we dislike,
Because He has no favorites,
Even after the third strike.
He sends the rain and sunshine,
On the just and the unjust,
And blesses the unthankful,
And not because He must,
But that’s about how good He is,
And wants us same to be,
But we have a lot to learn,
‘Bout generosity.
We’re better keeping track of,
What we think they deserve,
Their debits and their credits,
And we often reserve,
Our love for those who please us,
They earn what we reward,
Withhold from those we don’t like,
Based on how they’ve scored.
But this is just the reason,
We all need to change,
Receive the grace that’s given,
And grace for law exchange.
I know it may sound crazy,
To really live this way,
But Jesus gave the counsel,
And we need to obey.
But we will not be able,
To really get it done,
Unless we have the Spirit,
Working with the Son.
So get your selfish choices,
Where people are concerned,
To die along with Jesus,
And in the end we learn,
That gracious like the Father,
Jesus calls to be,
Perfected love for others,
So they can clearly see,
That we live as His children,
Reveal that He is love,
And bridge the gap between us,
From earth to heaven above.
“If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that?” (Mt. 5:46, NLT)
Our love is typically reserved for those whom we think deserve it. But God’s love, according to Jesus, shows no such discrimination. In fact, God loves people who clearly have no use for Him or don’t even acknowledge that He exists. He loves them and blesses them even though they choose to reject Him outright, or live as though He is not there. Jesus calls us to embrace this kind of love, that even goes out to enemies not just friends. This is impossible, humanly speaking, but the Spirit of Jesus living in us can accomplish what we otherwise could not. If we are willing to die to our selfishness, He will actually love through us. He will love those whom we could never love. And that is part of the miracle of following Jesus.
Lord, love people through us that we cannot love, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.