"No Grave-Tending"
None of us are called to be,
An old grave-tender, don’t you see,
Because it’s life and liberty,
That Jesus died to give.
To waste our time on what is gone,
Deceived to think it is not wrong,
Some that way bound far too long,
It’s no way to live.
It’s life and life abundantly,
The Good Lord wants us all to see,
And He alone can set us free,
Else the thief will win.
To turn our backs on selfish rule,
And cast out all that plays the fool,
Nevermore the devil’s tool,
But live by God’s decree.
The pow’r of death has been destroyed,
Christ’s redemption thus employed,
The heart of God is overjoyed,
And Jesus holds the keys.
So awake and take ahold,
Of this Good News both true and bold,
The story that will ne’er grow old,
His grace alone relieves.
“…I was dead and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.” (Revelation 1:18, NAS)
The original disobedience in the garden introduced death to all things. Until Jesus’ obedience reversed it there was no real hope of breaking death’s power. But now that Jesus died and was raised, the power of death is revoked. It no longer rules, but God’s life preempts it, and one day will destroy it altogether. Jesus holds the keys to death and hell, and when we receive Jesus, we are freed from both. Jesus said that we should let the dead bury the dead. The meaning is clear: don’t be enamored or consumed by anything that is dying. Instead, choose what God says will live forever.
Lord, help us to choose life, in Jesus’ name.
Art by R.S. Riddick, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless.