"Not Left Behind"

I really got the feeling,

At first it sent me reeling,

That they were so much better than the rest,

At least they sure believed it,

And if you don’t receive it,

They are the kind to put you to the test.

The holier-than-thou bunch,

Like some exclusive club brunch,

Look down their noses, judge you every time,

Their pride with often gall you,

And their excuses stall you,

Though they recite the scripture line for line.

Jesus ran into ‘em,

And He could see right through ‘em,

Called em white-washed tombs with rot inside,

Said whores and tax collectors,

Though long time God defectors,

Were better ‘cause they humbled down their pride.

Said the well don’t need the healer,

But sick folks always eager,

To call out to the One who brings relief,

Why can’t we show compassion,

No matter style or fashion,

Give mercy from the lowest to the chief.

Remember that religion,

Never seeks bridge-buildin’,

To the ones that really need God’ help the most,

But rather make it harder,

With their religious ardor,

To bring the lost and distant really close.

Jesus said I’ll get ‘em,

And I will not forget ‘em,

Though one lost sheep has wandered far away,

I came to seek the lost ones,

Those love at any cost ones,

And bring them home and help them never stray.

Lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son,

Will show how much His love won,

When dealing with the ones no one can find,

He loves em where He finds em,

And then by grace He binds em,

So they are gathered in, not left behind.

“Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep…” (Luke 15:6, NLT)

A lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son were all three used by Jesus to illustrate the joy of God restoring and recovering a person who is lost. Lostness is something we do not easily admit- to God, others or even ourselves. Maybe especially ourselves. To do so is to own our selfish waywardness and dysfunction. We can’t find our way but we don’t want someone to give us directions. So, it gets worse, and the way back home seems impossible. Then He comes looking for us, and brings so much compassion that we run into His arms with great relief. That’s it. And heaven rejoices, too, because God’s love has accomplished once again what it was sent to do. Over and over, the same story happens and redemption triumphs over misery. It’s the best news ever and the greatest love story of all. For God so loved…

Lord, help us find our way home to You, in Jesus’ name.

(Art by R.S. Riddick, used by permission. Thanks, Mr. Riddick, and God bless you.

Brad McClain