"Not Yet"
I hoped that horse would grow and go,
Got lots of feed and hay, you know,
But so far it’s been real slow,
And he is not there yet.
So we’ll press on and take good care,
And hopefully one day he’s there,
And when he does I sure will share,
It’ll be awhile, I bet.
Pastures cut and fences done,
You gotta work while there is sun,
And seems like I am on the run,
And I’m not finished yet.
But progress made is mighty sweet,
No matter with the cold or heat,
We’ll get it done, I will repeat,
It keeps me young, I bet.
We like those longhorns, yes, we do,
They’re doing well, we’ve added two,
The herd is growing, this is true,
We’ll have more cattle, yet.
‘Cause we think when people come,
To see us here, before they’re done,
They’ll get a taste of cowboy fun,
They’ll come again, I bet.
And when we pray, we press on in,
No matter slow, He answers when,
The time is right, it will begin,
And we will trust Him yet.
His faithfulness we’ll celebrate,
Even though we have to wait,
And know for sure He’s never late,
We’ll praise the Lord, I bet.
He promises He’ll come again,
But we are never sure just when,
We serve and work for Him till then,
It hasn’t happened yet.
But we expect Him any day,
And point to Him, the only way,
In the end, He’ll have His say,
He’s our eternal bet.
“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14, NLT)
Waiting on the Lord is a recurring biblical theme. Everyone who serves the Lord and is used by the Lord must learn to wait on God’s timing. But this is not an easy lesson for most of us! We wait because we have to, but not patiently! Yet, the more we learn to trust the Lord, the more we are infused with faith and courage to be at peace and cooperate with the Lord’s plan. There’s plenty to do while we wait, and the Lord will help us as we go.
Lord, help us learn to courageously wait on You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tyler Crow, tylercrow.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tyler, and God bless you.