"Old Man Broke"

 Anyone can ride him,

I know that’s what they said,

He’s an “old man broke” horse,

Though not exactly dead.


And just like a lot of things,

That people say is true,

There was some truth in what they said,

But I am telling you,


That pony anyone can ride,

They didn’t say how long,

Old man broke is relative,

So I can’t say all wrong.


And no doubt he’s full of life,

And very far from dead,

So I can’t fault the words they used,

Or what I thought they said.


I’ve had a little time you see,

To give the sale some thought,

Evaluate the deal I made,

And what it is I bought.


And, no, he’s not the meanest bronc,

I’ve ever tried to ride,

And, no, he did not buck me off,

But heaven knows he tried.


I kinda wished I’d fallen off,

He jarred my old bones so,

I think a couple ribs came loose,

And Lord knows what else, so,


I sit here in my easy chair,

Cowboy Channel on TV,

And dream about my younger days,

When that cowboy once was me.


I’ve got a horse that is for sale,

Stout, well-built and straight,

Someone out there needs him,

And I can hardly wait,


To say anyone can ride him,

I’ve got my speech and plan,

He’s an old man broke horse,

‘Cause I’m a broke old man!

“So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbor the truth, for we are all parts of the same body…” (Ephesians 4:25, NLT)

The world turns on lies, and learning to be totally truthful is a challenge. That’s because the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is rare, so help me, God. People have kiddingly said that lying is the last thing Christians give up. They’ll even quit smoking first! No spin. No shading. No exaggeration. No wink or “under the table” sleight of hand. Just the truth. How different life would be if that’s how all of us operated. Horse traders are notorious for something less, and when claims are made, everyone halfway expects it and is liberal with the salt. Sometimes being half-honest as Captain McRae claimed in Lone Dove, is amusing and seen as pretty harmless. On the other hand, we’ve all seen the damage a lie can do. Be truthful, and God will be pleased.

Lord, teach us to consistently tell the truth, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Owen, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless.

Brad McClain