"Our Lady Liberty"

She was crippled, thin and starving,

As she rode her weary mount,

She slowly overtook me,

Took too much time to count.


I didn’t recognize her,

I saw tears there in her eyes,

She seemed to me a stranger,

Or else wore a disguise.


She said don’t you know me,

I said no, don’t think so, ma’am,

She said I’m Lady Liberty,

Married to your Uncle Sam.


She said we’ve had a hard time,

Surviving these bad days,

But the precious dream of freedom,

Must be kept alive always.


I said I didn’t realize,

The shape she’d gotten to,

But all the things she said to me,

In my heart I knew.


We need a great awakening,

We need to seek the Lord,

He’s the only hope we have,

Else we face the sword,


Of those who want to kill us,

And ravage our dear land,

It’s time for people everywhere,

To take a righteous stand.


I fed her by the campfire,

Made sure she was not chill,

Stayed up late a prayin’,

To find and do God’s will.


When I awakened she was gone,

I wondered if a dream,

When Lady Liberty came my way,

That’s what to you might seem.


But since that night and truthful talk,

I’ve prayed like ne’er before,

And worked for all the right things,

From shining shore to shore.


Give me your huddled masses,

Yearning to breathe free,

I still can hear the whisper,

That night she spoke to me.


The patriots who went before,

Are calling out our name,

And if we do not answer,

We will be the same,


As those who thought our freedom,

Was something we can’t lose,

But keeping all our freedom,

Is something we must choose.


And the great God of freedom,

And the Lord of liberty,

Wil reign within our hearts and minds,

And may it always be.

“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom…” (2 Corinthians 3:17, NLT)

The entire foundation of the Christian life is that God’s presence brings us personal freedom. This has a great personal impact upon every individual and upon our nation. America is the last, great hope for freedom in the world, but only because our nation was uniquely founded upon the belief that all people are created equal. Without this cornerstone there would have been no Declaration of Independence nor a revolution to break the yoke of political tyranny. God has blessed America because of this unique, exceptional foundation. Because of it her people have enjoyed great blessing for over two hundred years, and been a blessing to the entire world. Our political freedom is, in a very real sense, based upon the spiritual freedom authored by the Holy Spirit.

Lord, pour our Your Spirit upon America and give us a revival of personal and political freedom, in Jesus’ name.

Personal photo.

Brad McClain