"Partner Up"

Don’t know what this world’s coming to,

Not toward what we all know is true,

The crowds deceived by satan’s crew,

God, help us do what’s right.

The drift away from strong belief,

Has driven from our hearts’ relief,

The devil really is a thief,

Who runs from godly light.


It’s why that’s where we need to walk,

And match it with the way we talk,

Be Spirit-led and never balk,

That’s where the cleansing flows.

Honestly and humbly say,

What we have done that’s not okay,

And on God’s altar our lives lay,

It’s how revival grows.


Partners with us to the end,

Thankful we can call them friend,

Together by the Spirit send,

We go to change the world.

No matter what may be the cost,

To seek out those who’ve gotten lost,

All burdens and our cares are tossed,

The Kingdom flag unfurled.

“But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7, NLT)

Living in the light means we are walking in spiritual transparency with God and one another. This requires honesty and humility, and is the only way we can authentically partner with one another in the mission of sharing Christ with others. Why? Because if we harbor secrets and hold onto the darkness, it gives place to the devil and his strategies. Our efforts are undermined and our effectiveness stolen. God is not looking for perfect people to use. He’s simply looking for those who will walk in the light together. That’s where both God’s cleansing power and true fellowship happen.

Lord, help us walk in the light, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Steve Boaldin, artofacowboy.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain