

It’s wild and loud and lively,

It’s got music and great fun,

Everyone who gets there,

Is so glad that they’ve come.


There’s lots to eat and drink there,

‘Bout anything you want,

The people glad to see you,

And no one speaks a “don’t.”


It’s a party with no equal,

The laughter loud and clear,

Hugs and lots of dancing,

And no one sheds a tear.


You might say, “Where’s that party?”

“I really want to go,”

‘Can’t give you directions,

It’s ‘bout someone you know.


But think back when you heard that,

The critics came to hate,

The one who had some parties,

And no one came in late.


And that’s because he welcomed,

Those who fall and fail,

And sat at table with them,

And let love fill their sail.


And then there was that story,

‘Bout the lost son who came home,

Daddy threw a bar-b-q,

‘Cause he would no more roam.


And when the older brother,

Heard the party going on,

The music and the dancing,

The younger had come home.

He wouldn’t join the party,

With his brother there,

Thought he was above it,

And didn’t really care.


I guess by now you get it,

It’s the party of God’s grace,

And Jesus makes it happen,

For those who run the race.


There’s party on the way there,

Rehearse it as you go,

But when life’s finally over,

Then comes the real, big show.


And you don’t want to miss it,

The devil lies you see,

He tries to counterfeit it,

But a party pooper he.


So good news, there’s a party,

And you’re invited there,

It begins the moment,

You believe the news we share.


And that’s Jesus is the Savior,

And claims you as His own,

When you turn to Jesus,

You find that you’ve come home.


And church folks, let us party,

So others want to know,

How they, too, can happy up,

And to the party go.

 “…for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’ So the party began.” (Luke 15:24, NLT)

Most folks think the party is about what happened before we came to the Lord and associate it with the sinful life. No question the world’s party is full of debauchery, and one may enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season, the Bible says. But ultimately the devil’s party is a sad counterfeit for God’s party. Over and over again the Bible uses party imagery to illustrate what it’s like for someone to experience God’s grace. And so is eternity in heaven- the marriage feast of the Lamb! So, don’t think for a minute that the fun is over because you’ve come to Jesus. Exactly the opposite is true! This is where the real party is, and will be forever. Religious people don’t get it, and are offended when Jesus invites people to the party that they think are unworthy. It happened in Jesus’ earthly ministry and it happens with the church today. But don’t let them quench your spirit or steal the party. Happy up and party on, in Jesus’ name!

Lord, help us celebrate Your grace everyday, in Jesus’ name.

Art by R.S. Riddick.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Mr. Riddick, and God bless you.

Art by R.S. Riddick. Used by permission. Thanks, Mr. Riddick, and God bless you.

Brad McClain