"Pray It Back"

 An old man walking slowly there,

His shoulders showed a world of care,

And what the doctor had to share,

Was not good news at all.


But when they prayed he felt the touch,

Of healing grace he needed much,

They prayed him back to life as such,

The intercessor’s call.


She cried so much it made her sick,

No way to change her choice and pick,

And now heart-broken, one last kick,

And she just wants to die.


But then they prayed for God to do,

What only He can heal, it’s true,

And help her with what she’s been through,

They prayed her back, no lie.


When their son addicted ran,

Did what loving parents can,

But the law made its demand,

And locked up, he is there.


But someone in that prison long,

Taught their son where he belonged,

And now he sings salvation’s song,

Prayed back to God’s own care.


The doors were closed, there was no way,

The bills piled up, she heard him say,

I might just have to go away,

She wondered what he meant.


Gun in hand, a good-bye note,

Tears and anguish, out of hope,

On the edge, the tail-end rope,

But then the prayers were sent.


They prayed him back from that dark place,

He returned and found the grace,

To find the way and run the race,

And just how it was meant.


No, there Is no magic cure,

For all the things we must endure,

But I will tell you this, for sure,

We still can pray it back.


When times get hard, they often do,

And you’ve forgotten all you knew,

No matter what you’re going through,

Just pray to get on track.

It’s time to pray it back.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything…” (Philippians 4:6, NLT)

Worry is an enemy that will kill you if you allow it. Faith in the Lord is the solution, and its best expression is prayer. Calling out to the Lord is something He invites us to do, not because He doesn’t already know what is needed but because it brings us into partnership with His plan. We are relieved of the burden of fear because we are putting everything in the Lord’s hands and trusting Him to help us. He promises a peace strong enough to keep us sane and steady, in spite of life’s challenges. Prayer may be our greatest weapon against evil, and still provides a catalyst for the miracle-working power of God. No one fully understands how it works, but that isn’t necessary to get on with it. Pray it back.

Lord, teach us to make prayer the center of our lives with You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tyler Crow, used by permission. Thanks, Tyler, and God bless you.

Brad McClain