I had a prayin’ grandma,
And I had a prayin’ mom,
They stayed before the throne of God,
And based their prayers upon,
The promises of God’s own Word,
And those they claimed for me,
They stood there in the prayin’ gap,
And always did, you see.
And now both mom and granny,
Are there in heaven’s place,
And now a prayin’ wife and I,
Go to the throne of grace,
And there we pray for children,
And our grandchildren, too,
Just like mom and grandma did,
We intercede, it’s true.
We’re binding them to Jesus,
And loosing them from sin,
We’re praying down God’s power,
On every one of them.
And God is still the One in charge,
Though darkness seems so strong,
But in the name of Jesus,
We know it won’t be long,
‘Fore every foe is vanquished,
And even death must go,
Every tongue will soon confess,
And knees will bow just so,
The Father gets the glory,
And the saved are set to reign,
Every son and daughter,
That has been born again.
So pray and keep on praying,
The answer’s on the way,
If we seek the Father,
And in Jesus’ name we pray.
“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most…” (Hebrews 4:16, NLT)
The notion of bold praying is powerful. We may feel more like apologetic praying, but God invites something more. His invitation is that we rush into His presence when the need is great and pour out our hearts to Him. We hold nothing back and have no concern how it may sound or what words we choose to communicate with Him. It’s all about an intimate conversation with the One who knows us best and loves us the most. There we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Think about that. When we need it the most is probably when we feel the least like praying. But that’s exactly what we should do. Come and get it!
Lord, help us come boldly to find grace, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Alfredo Rodriguez, used by permission. Thanks, Alfredo, and God bless you.