I listen to the silence,
The quiet feeds my soul,
The noise of life’s a bother,
My peace it often stole.
I shouldn’t let it happen,
But the best thing when it does,
Is find a place to listen,
And clearly that’s because,
There’s healing in the quiet,
Relief when noise is gone,
Except the wind’s sweet whisper,
And it doesn’t take so long,
For the calm to do its magic,
God’s creation so relieves,
That my heart drinks in the Spirit,
At least what I believe.
Breathing in the wonder,
Exhaling heartfelt thanks,
Renewed by all that’s tranquil,
There’s nothing that outranks.
So let me recommend it,
If you’re busy take some time,
And if you’re even busier,
Take even more, that’s fine,
You cannot overvalue,
The peace that down time gives,
Makes us more productive,
The longer that we live.
Be still and know that He is God,
Acknowledge you are not,
You won’t get the two confused,
When you find that quiet spot.
“Cease striving and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10, NAS)
This translation substitutes “cease striving” for “be still.” Both are true. When we unplug from the noise around us the odds go up we will feel the presence of the Creator and hear His voice. It’s not that God is finished speaking, it is that we have difficulty listening. It’s all about fighting spiritual attention deficit disorder, and being attentive to the voice of the Spirit. Finding a quiet time with the Lord and His word is imperative. Be still and know…
Lord, help us to find the quiet place with You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Robert “Shoofly” Shufelt, used by permission. Thanks, Robert, and God bless you.