"Real Men"

 Where did all the real men go,

Who stood up for what’s right,

But now they go along with those,

Who call the darkness light.


Where are the men with confidence,

Who defend the innocent,

And take up for the little guy,

And go where they are sent.


Where are the men whom you can call,

When you really need a hand,

The ones who’ll help, no matter what,

Ride loyal to the brand.


Where are they, are they missing,

Or are they so beat down,

That they can’t look you in the eye,

‘Cause they’re somebody’s clown.


Can I tell you where I found ‘em,

It was way out on some ranch,

Where cowboys still do what they say,

Aren’t scared to take a chance,


When comes time for a whuppin’,

They gladly get in line,

They might go down a-swingin’,

But least they’re there on time.


I’ve found ‘em in the circles,

Where men have broke the chains,

Of all kinds of addictions,

And their lives rearrange.


They rise up from the ashes,

Don’t have much else to lose,

And they will walk right with you,

If sobriety you choose.


I’ve found ‘em at the church house,

But often not down front,

More likely in the kitchen,

Or somewhere on the hunt,


For anyone who threatens,

To be a problem there,

You never know, some shooter,

They could be anywhere.


Teachin’ their grandsons baseball,

Or fishing with some kid,

Or coachin’ or gone huntin’,

It’s what my grandpa did.


He’s fightin’ for his country,

He’s gone to fight a fire,

He’s patrolling in a squad car,

His soul is not for hire.


Sometimes it’s hard to find him,

He won’t be on TV,

More likely incognito,

It’s how he’d rather be.


But he’s no less a hero,

Because he has no fame,

He’s put his trust in Jesus,

His life and talk’s the same.


And just the other mornin’,

Rose early ‘fore the dawn,

Before I had my coffee,

I stifled back a yawn,


‘Cause I caught a glimpse of,

A man looking back at me,

In the mirror there, then said a prayer,

That a real man I would be.

“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13, NLT)

Courage is a necessary virtue for following Jesus. Problem is, we either have a tendency to deny we know the Lord, like Peter, or we become spiritual “bullies” who arrogantly parade our faith like the Pharisees. Neither extreme is what the Lord wants. The Holy Spirit energizes us with real, authentic courage. It is the courage of Jesus Himself, who went all the way to the cross to win back a lost and dying world. Godly courage sees clearly, discerns accurately, and sacrifices greatly. The Lord will be courageous through us if we let Him.

Lord, let Your courage flow through us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Grant Redden, used by permission. Thanks, Grant, and God bless you.

Brad McClain