
The religious mind is prideful,

And always quick to judge,

The religious will exaggerate,

And the truth they fudge.


The religious are self-righteous,

No mercy will they show,

Will defend their arrangement,

They’re in control you know.


The religious fear revival,

Label it a fake,

And that’s ‘cause in revival,

No credit can they take.


The religious love tradition,

What’s been done before,

Is really more important,

Than a God-sent open door.


The religious pitch for money,

Will use both guilt and threat,

Because they’re always looking,

For all that they can get.


The religious quench the Spirit,

Don’t like it when folks talk,

About their testimony,

That’s when they often balk.


They want to keep things nice and safe,

How dare you rock the boat?

Or question their authority,

Or doubt them when they gloat.

It’s time that we all realize,

It’s not religion, see,

But relationship with Jesus Christ,

By grace to set us free.


Remember my professor,

Who once so wisely said,

Religion without knowing God,

Is what killed Jesus dead.


And then he also added,

That stuff will kill you, too,

It will, son, if you let it,

So be careful what you do.


Stay clear of that old spirit,

No power, just a form,

Of godliness, ungodly,

That they have made the norm.

“…having a form of godliness but denying its power…” (2 Timothy 3:5, NIV)

Paul wrote to Timothy that the last days before Christ’s return would be terrible. One of the things that would characterize those days would be those who appeared “religious” but who denied the power of the Holy Spirit. They would have a “form of godliness” but without God’s power. There have always been people like that, but in the last days they will grow in number. Are we living in those days? Only the Lord knows, but it doesn’t take much discernment to see that there seem to be many influential imposters, as well as rank and file people, who think of themselves as believers but whose lifestyles are incongruent with what they say they believe. None of us measure up all the time, but there are some who are simply insincere in their Christian profession, and use their influence for their own selfish agenda. The world does not need this kind of religion, but rather those who live in a powerful, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, help us live authentically, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Brad McClain