
Old cowboy in pain and more when it rains,

He most likely won’t let it show.

He’ll crank that old truck and still saddle up,

When there’s work to do he’s quick to go.


The young ones so bold, not kind to the old,

But he forgot more than they know,

He keeps his mouth shut, ‘cause he made the cut,

Earned spurs a long time ago.


He still can move, and it would behoove,

You never to get in his way,

It’s not that he’s mean, but still very keen,

On treating the livestock okay.


The bull that escapes, he’ll do what it takes,

To catch him and bring him on back.

The heifer that’s sick, he’ll doctor real quick,

And make sure there’s nothing she lacks.


If he’s starting a colt, that’s scared, prone to bolt,

Amazin’ how he takes his time.

The confidence builds, and soon that horse feels,

He’ll do what he’s asked really fine.


So not all whoop and spur, but the way he prefers,

Is quiet and steady all day.

Comes closer it seems, than all the extremes,

Of those who think loud is the way.


Might give some respect to the one who collects,

His skills from the years he has spent.

And don’t write him off, or give him a scoff,

Just ‘cause of the way he once went.


The Good Book will say, that when we turn gray,

We’re worthy of honor they give,

It’s coming to all, and best to recall,

Those years will occur if we live.


So if you are young, and hardly begun,

Honor those hands far ahead.

Remember that they, are tenured, so say,

You thank ‘em before they are dead.


And if you’re like me, an old one, you see,

Set the example for them.

‘Cause they need someone, who’ll help ‘em get done,

The things that will glorify Him.

“Respect everyone, and love the family of believers…” (1 Peter 2:17, NLT)

Part of our calling as followers of Jesus Christ is to respect others. We are called to honor people above ourselves, and give extra honor to those who are worthy. The elderly are among those whom the Bible says deserve our appreciation. We are called to respect the authority of those in government, not because they are good people, but because it’s the right thing to do. We may not like the person, but we respect their office. This is an important part of our witness, in a world which has lost basic civility and kindness, particularly in the public debate. We don’t get caught up in the nasty back and forth. We give respect, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, help us to learn what it means to respect everyone, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Shawn Cameron, shawncameron.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Shawn, and God bless you.

Brad McClain