"Ride Like the Wind"

The horsemen of our history’s yore,

Rode into battle, knew what for,

Courageously and to the core,

Rode just like the wind.

From Paul Revere to World War I,

Gallantly to fight the Hun,

Horseback shining in the sun,

That’s how it was back then.

And we look back to cowboy days,

And reminisce about their ways,

Drovers as the cattle graze,

They rode just like the wind.

And now we work and play horseback,

We wish just like them we could track,

Along the trails withstand attack,

That’s how it was back then.

And as the earth’s long journey ends,

God’s Word to us a warning sends,

That we will see what God defends,

He’ll ride just like the wind.

On that great white horse of His,

Return to judge all that there is,

Remember all, remember this,

When Jesus comes again.

“Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. It’s rider was named Faithful and True, for He judges fairly and He wages a righteous war.” (Revelation 19:11, NLT)

At the end of time Jesus will return to judge the world. When He comes He will be riding a white horse and the armies of heave will follow him on white horses. What a sight this will be! There is nothing to fear from the One who always judges fairly. No one is misjudged by Him, and all those who have been washed by the bloos of Jesus will welcome Him. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. We get to do it now!

Lord, help us faithfully follow You now so that when You come again we have nothing to fear, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Micahel Dudash, used by permission. Thanks, Michael, and God bless you.

Brad McClain