"Ride On"
So they rode that way for justice,
To right a world of wrong,
To fight for those who couldn’t,
And they never did belong,
To those who said they shouldn’t,
And you’re better off to wait,
Refused even to listen,
‘Cause for them it was too late.
To sit and hope for better,
And let others take a stand,
With some already fighting,
In battle ‘cross the land.
Henry said it better,
Than many then or since,
Liberty or death he said,
His words he did not mince.
And one and all the patriots,
Who spilled their blood so we,
Could have all of our freedoms,
And enjoy our liberty.
They bled and died and suffered,
They often went without,
But the Good Lord blessed their efforts,
And in the end their shout,
Was heard in all the nations,
And peoples of the earth,
From sacrifice and courage,
Came a powerful new birth,
With all created equal,
And justice leads the way,
A nation of the people,
From then down to this day.
And when that freedom’s threatened,
Some will ride again,
In fact already saddled,
Where injustice has come in.
The warriors of freedom,
Will rise to save the day,
And once again the Good Lord,
Will bless them, He will say,
When you fight to help the helpless,
And lay your own life down,
No greater love on earth than this,
Has anybody found.
They ride for law and order,
In God still is their trust,
With faith He’ll save this country,
But ride and pray we must.
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free…” (John 8:32, NLT)
Truth and freedom go together. Whether it’s political freedom, as the poem describes, or the ultimate spiritual freedom that can only be received from Jesus Christ. you cannot have one without the other. Our political freedoms are based on one basic truth: God created us equal. This means that our liberties are not granted by a government but are innately part of what it means to. be created in the image of God. All justice springs from this understanding. When Jesus spoke of spiritual freedom He was specifically talking about freedom from sin with its accompanying baggage hurt, family history, negative relationships, and demonic influence. He died to free us from all of it, and the truth of His sacrifice is the key to it all. Live free. Ride free. We can, so we should.
Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.