
We rolled along with cattle,

Came down the Millsap way,

One or two herd-quitters,

The rest we drove okay.


The wagons and the riders,

Follks came out to see,

Just to catch a glimpse of,

What Texas used to be.


I noticed there no anger,

But only lots of grins,

There was some storytelling,

I’d say a day of wins.


And then some good old barbeque,

And all the sides for sure,

Food that really hit the spot,

Sweet ice tea, a pleasure pure.


Tonight we’ll have a big parade,

In small town Texas style,

Followed by a street dance,

Where we’ll two-step for a while.


We’ll get a fuzzy taco,

At our favorite Tex-Mex place,

Let me tell you, brother,

Puts a big smile on my face.


And before we say goodnight,

To friends all gathered there,

We might just take a little break,

To say a thankful prayer.


‘Cause this ain’t some big city,

Where guns and violence roll,

People scared to walk at night,

And hatred takes its toll.


Down home Americana,

The way it ought to be,

And we are really thankful,

That we live here, you see.


No matter where you’re living,

Remember at it’s best,

The USA is special,

And better than the rest,


But only if we seek the Lord,

And let Him have His way,

Rolling with the Holy Spirit,

And let it start today.

“Do not stifle the Holy Spirit…” (1 Thessalonians 5:19, NLT)

The Holy Spirit is being stifled in our secular culture. But if we are not careful, we as believers will stifle the Spirit, too. How? By taking for granted God’s blessings and falling into man-made methods rather than God-breathed solutions. The Spirit does not force His way, but only moves where people give Him sway. American cities can become healthy again, but only if the Holy Spirit moves to make it so. What seems more likely in a small town can become reality in a large town. Don’t limit the Lord. It can happen.

Lord, help us to never stifle Your Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain