"Running Horses"

All the running horses,

Watch ‘em as they fly,

Coming ‘cross the pastures,

Brings a tear into my eye.


And, why, you ask the question,

Would I even feel this way,

About these running horses,

On any given day.


I’ll be honest, not sure really,

Why it touches me so deep,

It’s something ‘bout the movement,

And the color and the sweep,


Of manes and tails a-flyin’,

And hoofbeats on the ground,

Their equine muscles rippling,

And their neighs and breathing sounds.


That fill me up with wonder,

And right down to the bone,

I think of all the pleasure,

Because of them I’ve known.


And ever since a little boy,

When I looked one in the eye,

Or sat upon the saddle,

Knew I’d love ‘em till I die.


I know the Good Lord made ‘em,

I know they have a place,

And a real important part to play,

When we see Jesus’ face.


All the running horses,

Watch ‘em as they fly,

Coming with the Savior,

Across the eastern sky.

“Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for He judges fairly and wages a righteous war…” (Revelation 19:11, NLT)

There has always been a lot about the second coming of Jesus I don’t know, and upon which Christians disagree. But one thing I know for sure: Jesus is coming again, and He’s coming on a white horse! The idea that He will come in this way, along with the armies of heaven following HIm on white horses, is a profound picture in my mind. Jesus is named “Faithful and True” in this prediction and He judges fairly. This is one of the greatest things to remember about the Lord. He never misjudges anyone, but is always and forever fair. He is also merciful, so we may be confident that no one will be mistreated by Him. I cannot say everything that will happen, but it’s good to know about the white horses and the One who is always fair.

Lord, give us confidence concerning Your return to earth, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain