Like a song with melody of joy,
Or poetic verse from an old cowboy,
Builds the spirit, won’t destroy,
The hope you have inside.
Like water in a lengthy drought,
Like breeze that stirs the flow’rs about,
Like kindly words that drive out doubt,
And wipes the tears you’ve cried.
Like a gentle horse you love to ride,
Or a friend with whom you can confide,
Have sweet success because you tried,
It’s a feeling much like this.
Like the tender hug of a loving child,
Or relief you feel because they smiled,
When enemies are reconciled,
A special kind of bliss.
All this and more is what we feel,
Profoundly personal and real,
The Spirit comes to grant His seal,
To show us we belong.
Peace greater than we understand,
We gladly follow His command,
Forever ride for Jesus’ brand,
Set free from all that’s wrong.
“In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation- having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise.” (Ephesians 1:13, NAS)
The Holy Spirit is given to seal our relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. By that I mean He is the actual presence of God with us and in us, making real the gift of our salvation. He witnesses to us, assures us, empowers us and fills us with an awareness that we belong to God forever. This is far more than an emotional experience, but it does impact us emotionally. That’s what this poem is about and what makes our witness relatable to others, especially those who need Christ most.
Lord, seal us by Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bill Anton, used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.