
There is a special reason,

Why the Spirit has a season,

For all He guarantees in,

No matter what befalls.

He works for Jesus’ glory,

And for our own good story,

Life’s whole inventory,

The devil can’t forestall.

The promise not for some things,

But even with the wrong things,

He works for good in all things,

The Spirit makes it so.

And even when life’s crazy,

And people are so lazy,

And future hopes are hazy,

It’s in God’s hands we know.

So put your trust in Jesus,

There is no doubt He sees us,

And always guarantees us,

He’ll reign till death is done.

His Lordship manifested,

And all evil arrested,

Done with being tested,

Forever our race run.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” (Rom. 8:28, NLT).

Do you love God? Are you called according to His purpose for you? If so, here’s a great promise. If not, it should be an inspiration to get with God’s program. Why? Because of the magnitude of what God says here. What does “everything” mean? Not a trick question. It literally means what it says. Everything means everything. God causes everything to work together for my good. What if it’s something bad? That’s included. What if it’s something bad I have done? Still included. Everything means everything. But not for everybody. If we love Him and are called by Him. He loves us and calls us. If we love Him and answer His call, God causes everything to work for our good. It means God’s redemptive work, the work of the Holy Spirit, will prevail over anything else. What looks impossible isn’t. What looks irreparable isn’t. What looks hopeless isn’t. I could go on, but truth is the possibilities are endless because of this promise. And there are many more like it. Whatever is happening God will use for your good. Believe it.

Lord, help us be those who qualify to claim this promise. Then help us claim it, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com.  Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain