
We can’t all be super-stars,

Or famous in men’s eyes,

We can’t all be millionaires,

Or always win the prize.

Not all can be athletes,

Or musically inclined,

Most will not hold office,

Prestige and pow’r combined.

But we can all be servants,

And that’s why Jesus said,

If you want to be the greatest,

Get low to get ahead.

The one who’ll serve the strongest,

Will be the greatest one of all,

‘Cause rising in the Kingdom,

Makes your own ego small.

Of course it was ‘bout loving,

He said the strongest thing,

Not only kind to neighbors,

But love to haters bring.

And if we say we love the Lord,

But don’t love people, too,

What we say about the Lord,

Won’t have much worth, it’s true.

Just like the little kiddo,

Who sat on Jesus’ knee,

Said learn to be this humble,

And childlike, don’t you see.

So it’s not the one in headlines,

That will receive His smile,

But those who’re good at serving,

And go the extra mile.

“Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be a servant…” (Mt. 20:26, NLT)

It goes against the grain of human nature. That’s because it’s instilled in us to promote ourselves if we want to get ahead in this life. Winning is everything, and winning at the expense of others is commonly accepted as just part of the game. If you’re hit, hit ‘em back harder. If you’re on top, defend yourself at all costs. If you see a weakness in an opponent, exploit it to the max. If you see an advantage, press it. But Jesus turned all this advice upside down when He said serving was the path to greatness. If we serve others, He said, we would become the leaders God intends. We simply don’t do it like the rulers of this world. Before honor comes humility, and before promotion comes servitude. We all have a lot to learn about this, and it’s only when the Holy Spirit helps us that we get it right.

Lord, help us to become great leaders by becoming great servants, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Brent Prince, used by permission.  Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Photo by Brent Prince, used by permission. Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Brad McClain