"Shift Show"

Lord, what a freakin’ shift show,

This world has become,

Run by noise and media,

They think we’re sick with dumb.


Maybe they’re mistaken,

About our common sense,

‘Cause when you call good evil,

I’m really not that dense.


And then you praise all evil,

Ask me to do the same,

I kinda do a double take,

Resist in Jesus’ name.


It gets a little dicey,

When I hear all this crap,

Hey I might be lots older,

But not on a mental nap.


And I’m for grace and mercy,

And loving one and all,

Just like the Lord has given me,

When on Him I call.


But there’s a little gun rack,

Stuck inside my brain,

And I could go Old Testament,

If things get too insane.


Don’t mess with my children,

Or my grandchildren, too,

You’ll have to go through Poppy,

I’ll do what I must do.


Morals and right living,

And when a life begins,

Were decided long ago,

By God, does not depend,


On how the wind is blowing,

Or votes you got the most,

It’s rather ‘bout the Father,

His Son and Holy Ghost.


And don’t think I will buy it,

When you say something’s free,

No when it comes from Uncle Sam,

It was paid by me.


Okay, that’s my rant for now,

I humbly will shut up,

But just so you remember,

It’s God who fills the cup.


And if we can just trust Him,

To keep us sober sane,

His Spirit will guide us,

To glorify His name.


We’ll deal with this old shift show,

And won’t be scared a bit,

We’ll pray and give the love out,

And never squander it.

“What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil…” (Isaiah 5:20, NLT)

If there is no transcendent, revealed, absolute rule concerning good and evil, then it really doesn’t matter what we do. Just do what you feel is best and you’ll be okay. Don’t worry about the need for forgiveness, salvation, or anything else the Bible says about sin and accepting Jesus to be saved from it. On the other hand, if God has revealed what is absolutely right and absolutely wrong, then we have to come to grips with it and get serious about His call to repent. We have free will and a choice to make, but the ultimate deception would be to call evil good and good evil. Yet one does not have to look far to see this in our secularized culture. The farther we drift from God, the more we are able to justify nearly any behavior and “legitimize” it as “normal.” But it’s not. Not really. When God heals our blindness we will see and evaluate our behavior just as He does. We will agree with Him about it, which is what the word “confession” really means. We will accept His forgiveness, and trust Him to energize righteous behavior, including the mandate to love one another.

Lord, heal our spiritual vision and help us to see clearly, in Jesus’ name.

Photo of my good friend, Dr. Stan Cobb- cowboy, dentist, professor, missionary, man of God. Used by permission.  Thanks, Doc, and God bless you.

Photo of my good friend, Dr. Stan Cobb- cowboy, dentist, professor, missionary, man of God. Used by permission. Thanks, Doc, and God bless you.

Brad McClain