
He had the reputation,

Of the meanest man in town,

And it got so that people,

Refused to come around.

And when he needed work done,

The help was hard to find,

And if he found somebody,

Even then he was not kind.

One night while he was sleeping,

The old man had a dream,

He was drowning in the river,

Or that’s the way it seemed.

And people on the shoreline,

Didn’t even care or see,

Though he was going under,

They just let him be.

He knew no one would help him,

He knew that he would die,

And then he saw somebody,

Who listened to his cry.

And that someone was Jesus,

Who grabbed hIm by the arm,

Pulled him from the river,

And saved him from all harm.

And then the man awakened,

He knew he had been told,

And right then and there it happened,

He let God save his soul.

And now he’s not the meanest,

In fact he’s so kind now,

It’s almost unbelievable,

That he has changed and how,

He treats others with kindness,

And patience, peace, and love,

And gives God all the glory,

And that dream from above.

So if you see the meanest,

They may be closer than you think,

One dream to draw attention,

And show them that they sink.

“…He does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent…” (2 Peter 2:9, NLT)

It is God’s will for everyone to turn from sin and be saved by Him. Do all turn to Him? No. But is it God’s will for them to repent? Absolutely. We may have already written someone off whom we find beyond hope and help. But God does not write people off with the regularity that we do. Some are on the verge of turning to Him when we think they never will. It’s not that we can manipulate or control people. We know we can’t. But when someone has a powerful testimony of God’s grace changing their lives it’s worth hearing. And sharing that testimony can be the very thing that turns someone to the Lord that appears to be far away. Keep on praying and telling people. You never know who is about to be saved.

Lord, help us never write off someone You died to save, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain