

When the Lord said that old devil,

He called him out a snake,

When you stop and think about it,

That was no mistake.


‘Cause the devil’s a constrictor,

That will put the squeeze on you,

Cave in every dream you have,

And crush your life, it’s true.


And the devil’s bite is poison,

Though he makes things look okay,

Until he gets you close enough,

Then quickly makes his play.


And once his fangs sink poison,

The only antidote,

Is the healing touch of Jesus,

And that’s our only hope.


But the Bible tells us plainly,

That the Lord will crush his head,

And until then in Jesus’ name,

We will resist, He said.


And in the end the devil,

With all his angels, too,

Will all be cast into the fire,

And all his damage through.


So when he makes his lovely pitch,

Puts on his masquerade,

Remember what the Bible says,

And don’t join his parade.


Stand and fight in armor,

Resist in Jesus’ name,

And we can make the devil run,

Like Jesus did the same.


Like those waddies in the Sierry Petes,

Who tied knots in his tail,

Don’t you fear his threat at all,

‘Cause the Good Lord will not fail,


To give you everything you need,

To get rid of that snake,

The grace that saves is grace that wins,

And there for Jesus’ sake.

“This great dragon- the ancient serpent called the devil, or satan, the one deceiving the whole world- was thrown down to earth with all his angels…” (Revelation 12:9, NLT)

The devil is called the “god of this world” in scripture. In this verse, he is the one who deceives the whole world. There is a great spiritual battle going on for the souls of humanity, and we, as believers in Jesus Christ, are in that battle whether we acknowledge it or not. The apostle Paul talked about becoming aware of the methods or strategies the devil uses in order to resist him. We operate fairly randomly in our lives, but the devil is strategic in his attacks. It will pay us to be more discerning and biblically equipped to prevail in this battle.

Lord, help us to resist the snake, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Martin Grelle, used by permission. Thanks, Martin, and God bless you.

Brad McClain