"Some Horses"
Some horses learn that if they buck,
The rider won’t come back,
And what he learns he won’t forget,
Developing the knack,
For getting rid of riders,
Unless they help him change,
Don’t allow the habit,
But his thoughts rearrange.
Whether bucking or not loading,
Or refusing to be still,
When the farrier is working,
And hoping that he will.
Or he’s scared of something,
That he thinks is a bear,
When it’s just a big, old rock,
Or something that’s not there.
But if you have the patience,
And he is not brain dead,
Then you might really help him,
But remember what I said,
‘Cause letting some old pony know,
That he can’t have his way,
Is very far from easy,
On any given day.
Sometimes I think the Good Lord,
Views us much the same,
Thank God He is patient,
With our bucking game.
And over time He helps us,
Won’t let us have our way,
And teaches us to let Him lead,
And do it every day.
“Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths; guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior…” (Psalm 25:4-5, NIV)
Our ways make us unproductive and unhappy. God is patient with the changes we need to make, and is faithfully committed to helping us. Oftentimes we fear and resist change, but it is necessary. The process of dying to ourselves and living in sync with the Spirit of God is lifelong. He will teach us, guide us, and empower us to become all He created us to be.
Lord, change us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Steve Boaldin, artofacowboy.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.