Somebody’s always watching,
And waiting it is true,
The one that they have eyes for,
Most certainly is you.
And you know all your weakness,
Find that you are surprised,
That you have such value,
A hero in their eyes.
You can argue with it,
But God gave you that place,
So that they can see Him,
When they see your face.
That’s why it’s so important,
To live your life for Him,
‘Cause if you make them stumble,
They could fall right into sin.
And no, you can’t choose for them,
But a head start you can give,
Rather than a handicap,
By the way you live.
Starting with the children,
And grandchildren, too,
And yes, a larger circle,
If that’s what God would choose.
Be someone available,
And holding no reserve,
It’s not just that God wills it,
It’s what they all deserve.
So ask the Lord to fill you,
And always do your best,
To show the light of Jesus,
With strength to pass the test.
“But if you cause one of these who trusts in Me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned…” (Mt. 18:6, NLT)
Jesus must have been pretty serious when it comes to our influence. This is the only place He actually said it would be better to commit suicide that to cause them to stumble. No, Jesus was not in favor of suicide. Rather, He was strongly emphasizing the need to head start rather than handicap the faith of others. This is especially true when it comes to the young, who are teachable and impressionable in their early years. That’s why the Scriptures promise that if we raise them up in the way they should go, in their older years they will not depart from it. I believe this promise. Do you? There can be generational blessing or cursing. What we show as normal behavior is accepted by children. If we teach by word or example that sin is normal, they will most likely believe it and pass it along to their own children. This is generational iniquity, pure and simple. It’s time for us to break every generational predisposition to sin, and become godly heroes for all who watch us. God help us get this right.
Lord, teach us how to head start rather than handicap others, in Jesus’ name.
Photo of our good friend, Jeff Gore, cowboy preacher and singer, and a hero to many including myself. Used by permission. Thanks, Jeff, and God bless you.