"Spur in the Wire"
Came through the gate, a-runnin’ late,
And stepped right off his horse,
They’d got the tree, It’s time you see,
To hang the lights of course.
He grabbed the wire, to calm her fire,
And went to wrap it there,
He pulled and tugged, and finally shrugged,
‘Cause it was stuck somewhere.
He looked down with sudden frown,
To find the lights were trapped,
He pulled again to his chagrin,
Around his spur were wrapped.
She saw it, too, both children who,
Giggled, then they laughed,
A dancin’ round their daddy found,
That he was photographed.
With Christmas lights and how they fights,
When tangled round a rowel,
Like a noose that won’t come loose,
Till he threw in the towel.
And when he quit, that was it,
The ticket to get free,
She took ahold, all calm and bold
And said leave this to me.
Let’s pull that boot you wild galoot,
And finish with this tree,
Hang up the lights, no more uptights,
And peace on earth will be.
The lights went on, their brightness shone,
There on the Christmas tree,
On this bright day, it was God’s way,
The light of heaven see.
They won’t forget those spurs I bet,
A near catastrophe,
And mom’s rescue, oh yes it’s true,
To save the Christmas tree.
“In Him was life, and that life was the light of men…” (John 1:4, NIV)
When I was a child we used to ride around during the Christmas season and look at the lights that decorated people’s homes. I thought they were beautiful. When my kids were young we went all out decorating both inside and out. The reason we use lights on the Christmas tree and otherwise is because Jesus is the light of the world. The light always overwhelms and drives out the darkness. No matter how dark or deeply entrenched, when the light shines it has to go. Let us allow the light of God’s presence flood every corner of our lives and drive out any darkness that clings to us.
Lord, shine Your light and drive out our darkness, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.