
When a man is clearly starving,

Above all get him fed,

And if he is exhausted,

Relieve him with a bed.


If he has an injury,

First find out where he bleeds,

And then with help to figure out,

Whatever else he needs.


When a man is really sick,

The symptoms point the way,

To diagnose what’s really wrong,

So he can be okay.


So many, many problems,

The challenges so strong,

And some that just won’t let us go,

Been with us for so long.


But all this can’t define us,

Nor can it steal our grace,

The Lord gives all we really need,

The Spirit sets the pace.


So do what’s in your hand to do,

And help all those you can,

And when the battle gets real loud,

With God’s help take your stand.


The day is surely coming,

When faith gives way to sight,

With all that God has promised,

And every wrong made right.


So look up now, my brother,

And sister, look up, too,

The grace for every challenge,

Is there for me and you.

“By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life…” (2 Peter 1:3, NLT)

It’s a good thing to remember, don’t you think? That God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. Sometimes, when the storms of life become severe, this belief is tested. But the truth still stands. God is always faithful to supply His grace. His promises secure us through every battle and His presence sustains us through every trial. We become partakers of His nature, which means the Holy Spirit lives the life of Jesus through us, empowering us to do more than human effort could ever accomplish. This enables us to overcome the pressure the world puts on us to react selfishly or default to the unhealthy things we used to do. The power is there. The promises are there. God’s presence is there. We will keep on going till the end, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, help us lay hold of Your daily provision of grace, in Jesus’ name.

Art by MIkel Donahue, used by permission. Thanks, Mikel, and God bless you.

Brad McClain