"Strong and Pretty"
Horses strong and pretty,
Have always called my name,
Any time I rode ‘em,
I never felt the same.
I really can’t explain it,
They’ve meant so much to me,
Hours of pure enjoyment,
And just so glad to be,
A-horseback gone and moving,
Toward some distant spot,
With whatever we were doing,
I’ve loved it a whole lot.
I consider this a blessing,
From the Lord above,
One good way He shows me,
About His awesome love.
His Word says good and perfect,
Are the gifts He grants,
The horses that I’ve ridden,
Didn’t come to me by chance.
I know one day He’s coming,
Riding a horse so white,
The Savior’s eyes a-blazing,
With heaven’s holy light.
I think He loves the horses,
So pretty and so strong,
Else why have them in heaven,
Where all of us belong.
“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens…” (James 1:17, NLT)
Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.