"Sue's Wagon"

Driven by her old granddad,

A gift to her, Sue’s heart so glad,

To have this treasure from the past,

And saved to make it always last.

If wheels with spokes and paint-flecked wood,

Of Sue’s old wagon only could,

Tell the tales and say where they,

Rolled and labored yesterday.


Maybe it took the kids to school,

Where they read and wrote the golden rule,

And down the dusty road back when,

When school was out, rolled home again.


It could have been the one they used,

To go to town to get the news,

And buy things at the gen’ral store,

Perhaps that was what they used it for.


Or maybe with their Sunday best,

They’d ride to church, God’s day of rest,

Tie their horse ‘neath that shade tree,

And hitched till that last prayer, you see.


It could have been the travel seat,

Where sweethearts sat and paused to meet,

And maybe where someone proposed,

The sweetest kiss in courtship closed.


So many miles and years there were,

We think about all that occurred,

And now in Texas’ deep old heart,

We hitch her up to do her part,


And spread the love in modern time,

Just like she served before so kind,

There with Sue, so true and strong,

But now Sue’s wagon here belongs.

“If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use…” (2 Timothy 2:21, NLT)

We all have favorite tools that we have used to do a variety of tasks. The old wagon that was recently given to us by our good friend, Sue Ashley, is a great example. Here is something that has been in her family for many, many years and was used by her grandfather and others for many a ride. Sue generously gave us the old wagon, and we intend to use it in our ministry to give people a taste of cowboy history. It has been in storage for a long while, but it soon will be used again! God wants to use us to do His work. We are tools in His hands, and His word says if we keep ourselves pure, we will always be ready to be used. There is work to do! Be ready to be used by the Lord!

Lord, make us special utensils in Your hands for honorable use, in Jesus’ name.

Here is Sue’s wagon on our way home from South Carolina to Texas. Thanks, Sue!

Brad McClain