So let me ask the question,
How did He make you sure,
You know that you’re forgiven,
That His grace will endure.
So many give the answer,
Say they don’t really know,
They’re hoping and they’re trying,
Assurance comes and goes.
Yet we have the promise,
The Spirit’s witness give,
So we cry Abba, Father,
By His grace we can live.
So how does someone get there,
From wondering and fear,
To knowing in your knower,
That the Spirit has come near.
It takes a full surrender,
You have to lose control,
As long as it is up to you,
You never will feel whole.
Commit your all to Jesus,
And the promise He will do,
The Spirit with your spirit,
He always will come through.
Don’t let it be a maybe,
Our Savior came to save,
And let you know you have it,
Because of what He gave.
“So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves…” (Rom. 8:15, NLT)
The Scriptures promise full assurance of salvation to every child of God. It’s part of our personal relationship with Jesus, this knowing that we belong to Him and everything is okay. Yet, when asked, many people simply do not enjoy this assurance. In fact their peace hinges upon whatever is happening to them at the moment, and their effort to live a “good” life. Bottom line: no one can earn salvation and neither can they earn salvation’s assurance. If one is uncertain, the thing to do is to surrender control to Jesus. As long as we hold onto control, we will never be completely sure because it depends upon us. But if we surrender, it depends upon Jesus, and He is dependable. In a very real sense, we trade control for assurance. And the Holy Spirit will let us know that we are not fearful slaves but fully accepted children of God.
Lord, we surrender control. Help us know with certainty that we belong to You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Herman Walker, hermanwalker.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Herman, and God bless you.