Mist rising from the river,
Red-tailed hawk upon the wing,
Cattle grazing in the pasture,
Onion grass says here comes spring.
The coldest days are past us,
Lots of moisture from the sky,
Horses’ coats are getting slicker,
Geese are flyin’ way up high.
I can hear the turkeys gobble,
The coyotes yip and call,
Deer are sliding through the thickets,
Then there is no sound at all.
Then a hoot owl hoots his question,
Who, yes, who indeed,
And my heart fills with thanksgiving,
‘Cause for every single need,
The Creator has provided,
For the creatures great and small,
The grand design, the artistry,
The beauty of it all.
For me and mine He tells me,
I always will provide,
The love that has no measure,
And the refuge where you hide.
And it’s all because of Jesus,
Through whom it all was made,
Salvation bought and paid for,
The grace that came and stayed.
My brother and his family,
My kids and grandkids, too,
The wife the Good Lord gave me,
So beautiful and true,
I praise Him of a morning,
For all I have and see,
And thank the Lord last thing at night,
For all that came to be.
A cowboy with a purpose,
To share the peace we know,
Till He comes or calls us home,
His Kingdom sure to grow.
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1, NIV)
It is a wonderful miracle to be at peace with the Lord. It is a great relief to live in a safe place with Him. We then can appreciate all that He has created, and the daily grace He supplies through Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. No, life is not perfect, and all of us have had our heartbreaks and tragedy. But the abundant life Jesus died to give us is to be a foretaste of what we will experience forever. Get some heaven on the way to heaven, and live thankfully. Praise the Lord.
Lord, help us to live thankfully, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Dane, used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.