"They Died"

Most so young and didn’t know,

That so soon they’d have to go,

And fight and die, their blood to show,

That freedom is not free.

We enjoy the things we do,

Because they loved our country true,

Laid down their lives for me and you,

And it will always be.


All gave some but some gave all,

They heard the patriotic call,

To places mean, there sent to fall,

And we are kept secure.

We salute them, freedom’s sons,

Shed their blood for everyone,

So freedom never comes undone,

Because they did endure,

And died to make it sure.

“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends…” (John 15:13, NLT)

It’s a strange definition, would you agree? Jesus defined the greatest love as the one who sacrifices one’s life for what? For friends. We might say there is no greater love than the one who dies for family or faith. But no, Jesus made it about friendship. Every soldier we read about or speak with about their fighting experience says the same thing. On the battlefield soldiers fight for each other. The buddy alongside them is the one they are most concerned about when the fire is heavy. And in every conflict since our nation was founded, that’s what American patriots do. The fight, bleed and die for their friends, and in so doing, achieve the highest virtue. We honor the fallen today.

Lord, help us give honor where honor is due, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain