

The ocean’s full of water,

But will make you sick to drink,

There’s a big analogy,

At least that’s what I think.


This world is full of offers,

That promise this or that,

But if you gave ‘em all a try,

They’d still leave you flat.


Because the water of this world,

Will never satisfy,

The lust and lies and pride of life,

May make you high, but dry.


Perhaps tried something that is good,

Or maybe something bad,

No matter if a passing fling,

Or your habit constant had,


None can sub for Jesus,

None can take His place,

He offers living water,

With a smile upon His face.


And when you taste the water,

You’ll know just what I mean,

Not only will it quench your thirst,

But wash completely clean.


Jesus offered living water,

To the woman at the well,

And He makes that offer,

To all of us as well.


And what He told that woman,

About that water free,

It would become a living spring,

Inside her heart, you see.


The same is true for everyone,

Who takes from Him a drink,

Springs up to life eternal,

It can happen in a blink.


So don’t keep on a-thirsting,

When Jesus offers you,

Everything you thirst for,

Believe it ‘cause it’s true.

“Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will. never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” (John 4:13-14, NLT)

It’s an ancient story, but no less compelling than when it was first told and written. A woman with a history, her sarcasm with Jesus was quite obvious. But the conversation contains such life-changing power! In it, Jesus let the woman know, as well as all who would hear what happened, that He offered a relationship that would ultimately satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart. Not only that, those who received it would become a life-giving catalyst for His offer. And finally, Jesus defined authentic worship with two ingredients: Spirit and truth. When we receive living water, Spirit and truth worship becomes a lifestyle.

Lord, give us living water, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Clark Kelley Price, used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain