
The trail gets long and so uphill,

He hurries fast, then time to kill,

And wonders if he’ll ever fill,

The lonesome place down deep.

  His hope is hard to keep.

Stays horseback long and tries to find,

The way ahead, a steady climb,

And deep the valleys’ overtime,

Sometimes it’s hard to sleep,

  And those seeds hard to reap.

They say a cowboy rides alone,

No matter what, he’s on his own,

But that’s not true, it’s better known,

That his friendships are real,

  He’s seen what they reveal.

He just won’t trust you easily,

Nor open up and let you see,

The things he thinks were meant to be,

It’s just the way he feels,

  Love’s loyalty, it seals.

And with the ones he counts as friends,

He trusts those on whom he depends,

If he calls, no questions then,

They’ll always have his back,

  Compadres have that knack.

And even more he puts his faith,

In God above, and learns to wait,

Not on good luck or even fate,

God will fill his lack,

  And help him stay on track.

Then he found her, she found him,

A broken trail for both of them,

Together now, filled to the brim,

It all was meant to be,

  As anyone can see.

And now their love grows deeper still,

A cowboy’s lonesome heart to fill,

Death will part them but until,

Their trail, by grace, so free,

   The Lord plus two makes three.

“…a triple-braided cord is not easily broken…” (Ecclesiastes 4:12, NLT)

Solomon called it a triple-braided cord. He was speaking of the strength we get when we stand with others who have our backs. Jesus talked about the same thing when He said when two or three agree in prayer, or gather in His name, or try to restore someone who has fallen away. There are several conclusions we could draw from this but probably the most obvious is that we are better off if we don’t try to operate as lone rangers. Whether it’s with our spouse, a sibling or a good friend, being together makes a huge difference. Don’t fight the battle alone. Get help, and stand together with the Lord.

Lord, connect us with the right help, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain