"Two Old Steers"
Those two crazy, outlaw steers,
Escaped our crew for two full years,
And as if they sent us jeers,
Their tails high in the air.
We sat and watched ‘em run away,
One stopped then as if to say,
You’ll never catch me, come what may,
It might be true, I swear.
And then old Sid he scratched his head,
He looked at me and then he said,
I think I know where they might bed,
Bet we can find ‘em there.
Off we went without a sound,
Covering the dusk-lit ground,
To get there ‘fore the steers came round,
We thought our chance was fair.
And so as evenin’ soon came on,
We trotted slow a circle long,
And came upon a creekside strong,
And there we stopped and hid.
Thinkin’ maybe this was where,
We would find the cattle there,
And close to midnight saw that pair,
And that’s just what we did.
The moon came out as bright as day,
I waited for old Sid to say,
When to spur and make our play,
Time to cowboy up.
With a whoop we dove right in,
And that is when the fun begin,
‘Fore we’re done roped two steers then,
Just like we planned it, yup.
Tied those steers each to a tree,
Stripped saddles off, so late you see,
And stretched out on the ground so we,
Could get a little rest.
Early morning off we go,
To bring the truck and trailer so,
We lead those steers and don’t you know,
We did our very best.
Two ropes on the first big steer,
We led him out and made it clear,
That he would not be welcome here,
Loaded, gate closed shut.
The next one did the very same,
Led him out like he was tame,
And just like the first one came,
He rode the second cut.
Day and night and night and day,
Catching them the cowboy way,
There really is no need to say,
How we love what we do.
And every now and then a plan,
Shows you if you try you can,
And this is so much better than,
A job in town it’s true.
“Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do…” (Psalm 1:3, NLT)
Everyone wants to prosper in what they do! We get excited when anything works out according to plan because all too often it doesn’t! Some preach what is called a “prosperity” gospel that disproportionately emphasizes material wealth as an outcome of faithfully serving the Lord. Though this teaching is unbalanced, one cannot easily deny the biblical promise found in Psalm chapter one which says God is willing to prosper everything we do if we will stay away from bad counsel and meditate on God’s word and will. God knows our needs and delights in giving us good gifts.
Lord, prosper us, in Jesus’ name.