"V Six View"

 I’ve seen the ocean’s sunset,

The moon on Morro Bay,

I’ve dined along the dockside,

And saw the palm trees sway.


But sight there was no better,

Or finer than before,

Than on the V6 pastures,

The beauty there is more.


I traveled to the high ground,

Where black-tailed deer run free,

Past horse camp and the wild boars,

And whale tail boulders see.


And up there when you look down,

There lies the San Joaquin,

And legends of old cowboys,

Lope by on mounts unseen.


But if you listen closely,

They whisper on the wind,

To make just one more gather,

And bring the cattle in.


And just at the right moment,

There in the distant sky,

A blazing red and brilliant,

That old sun bids good-bye.


And there we stood in silence,

In awe could not conceive,

How anyone could see it,

And in God not believe.


And then on the horizon,

The glow and silver shone,

Long after earth kept turning,

Sun down and slowly gone.


But I will not forget it,

Or my pard who took me there,

The valley of the San Joaquin,

The V6 view to share.

“The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display His craftsmanship…” (Ps. 19:1, NLT)

Stop and look up at it. At what, you ask? All of it! The sun, moon and stars! The clouds and rainbows. The rain and snow and the wind blowing. The sunrise. The sunset…Do you see it? Do you see Him? Do you hear Him? It’s one of the many ways He speaks. The creation testifies, but says “Don’t worship me…worship the One who made me.” And when we do, we finally start to get things right. I’ve seen it, and Him, all my life. But as my new friend, John Varian, said, “The older I get, the more I appreciate it.” Thanks, John. I feel the same way. If you’re reading this, I hope you do, too.

Lord, help us see and hear the testimony of what You’ve created, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission.  Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain