"What Happened?"

What happened to my Grandpa ‘Clain,

He died ‘fore I was born,

Don’t know a lot about him,

His story from me torn.

What happened to Grandaddy,

My mother’s daddy, see,

I think of him and fondly,

He was so kind to me.

A carpenter, a working man,

A deacon, true and fine,

It was only after he was gone,

Found he did prison time.

Convicted for a killing,

He said he didn’t do,

The governor agreed with him,

A pardon soon came through.

I remember that he sang old songs,

‘Bout holdin’ Jesus’ hand,

And always in the last verse,

About God’s promised land.

So I am sure he went there,

When death knocked at his door,

I still can almost see his smile,

From heaven’s golden shore.

What happened to my granny,

Leolin was her name,

She had seen a burning bush,

And never was the same.

Told me all about it,

In her kitchen where I sat,

She served me good egg custard,

I always think of that.

And granny went to heaven,

If anybody has,

Faith strong as a lion,

Though the cancer would not pass.

What happened to my Daddy,

When it came time to die,

His old heart was failing,

I went to say good-bye.

A cattleman, a trader,

Work was all he knew,

I don’t believe he thought that,

His life was almost through.

II’d seen him shed some godly tears,

And heard him pray some prayers,

The habits of his culture,

He’d shed and left back there.

And I think he was ready,

Though he fought it to the last,

But I think Jesus took him,

Forgave him all his past.

What happened to my sister,

When the waters took her down,

Something I don’t think about,

‘Cause of the way she drowned.

But waking the next moment,

In heaven’s sunny place,

I know she knew Jesus,

And looked into His face.

What happened to my mother,

Gone at ninety-four,

Went to sleep and woke up,

On the other side for sure.

She was a special witness,

With gifts she served and prayed,

Though I think of her everyday,

Be sorry if she stayed.

And so many others,

Cowboys, friends, and pals,

People I have treasured,

I know I always shall.

But now they’ve gone before me,

Until the time is right,

When God says this life’s over,

And calls to heaven’s light.

Till then I will cowboy,

Always, ever- up,

And trust each day the Spirit,

To overflow my cup.

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace…” (Ephesians 2:6-7, NIV)

When we receive God’s salvation through Jesus Christ, we are given eternal life and “seated” spiritually with Him in the heavenly realm. We are united with Him, though we still live on this earth. Then, when we die physically, we leave this earthly existence and go into His presence. But, better still, at the end of time we will be rewarded by Him for our service and its impact upon human history. All this because Jesus died and was raised from the dead. Are you sure you are going to heaven? How did God make you sure of it? He promises He will if we surrender our lives to Him. If you’re not sure, make your surrender today. We surrender control for assurance.

Lord, help us be sure we are going to heaven when we die, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Brent Flory, brentflory.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Art by Brent Flory, brentflory.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Brad McClain