"What's the Thing"
What’s the thing that happens,
That shows us who we are,
Manifests the inside,
Can’t be seen from afar.
But up close and personal,
No way to be disguised,
Breaks down our dishonesty,
Argues with our lies.
I think God’s behind it,
To deal with all our pride,
Exposing close-held secrets,
And all the things we hide.
So we’ll escape the darkness,
That’s held us for so long,
And find the way to freedom,
From all that has been wrong.
If the light we enter,
And find that way to walk,
By our true behavior,
And not just with our talk.
We will have His cleansing,
And fellowship so we,
Can walk close to each other,
And find transparency.
“But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7, NLT)
Living in the light might be one of life’s greatest challenges. Why? Because it requires excruciating honesty, and for many of us that is a steep climb. Being honest, coming clean, admitting our failings, taking responsibility and all the rest are ways we come from the darkness into the light. But it is necessary for spiritual liberation. Someone has said we are just as sick as our secrets make us. It’s not that we must divulge everything to everybody. But being totally honest with God and at least one other human being is pretty much a non-negotiable if we want to be healed of the things that have impaired us the most. I know, confessing to God brings forgiveness through Jesus Christ. That is true. Period. But we’re not only talking about forgiveness here, we’re talking about freedom. And that involves getting honest and getting help. It doesn’t matter the addiction, stronghold, sin, habit, hurt or whatever. If we can’t call it what God calls it, we haven’t really confessed. If we are making excuses, blaming others, or still covering up and lying about what’s up, we can’t find the cleansing we need. If we refuse to talk to someone about it, we need help more than we think. But as hard as it is, it’s worth it. That’s what everyone says who lives this way. They may have resisted, fought it, and said it was unnecessary. But when they finally embraced the light, they found the awesome relief of God’s grace. Find it today, because it’s there.
Lord, help us walk in the light, beginning today, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Herman Walker, hermanwalker.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Herman, and God bless you.