"When Time Came"
When time came for you to be born,
Whether late or early morn,
This old world to new adorn,
You came into this earth.
With joy and tears they welcomed you,
No telling what your life would do,
And all were hopeful, that is true,
That’s how they viewed your worth.
When time came for you to learn,
From childhood to adulting turn,
Bridges built and some to burn,
You got ready like the rest.
You realized there was a choice,
To what you do and give your voice,
Filter out the truth from noise,
With God’s help do your best.
When time came for you to wed,
Share your life and share your bed,
Solemn vows you heard and said,
And two became as one.
Blessed to be a family,
Extended your genetic tree,
Your own children, one, two, three,
You need to get some rest.
When time came your whole life through,
Working, striving things to do,
Never doubting what you knew,
The Lord led through it all.
You never thought God was to blame,
For anything that was a shame,
You always stood to praise His name,
And try to hear His call.
When time came for you to die,
And lay down all your will to try,
Knowing none that day deny,
You put your trust in Him.
And slipping from this side to there,
To heaven’s shore so bright and fair,
Trusting in the Savior’s care,
He welcomes you right in.
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NAS)
People have always tried to make sense of the passage of time and everything that happens. The older we get the more we realize how brief it is, and how much we want it to count. It helps to realize that Jesus is the Lord of both time and eternity. Whereas God does not make everything happen, He does preside over it all and ordains the key events of our lives. Making peace with God’s reign over our lives is a huge part of faith and very important to our peace and contentment. Life is not entirely random, though it might appear that way. There is an appointed time for everything.
Lord, help us realize You rule over time, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mikel Donahue, use by permission. Thanks, Mikel, and God bless you.