Where did you find Him,
In some quiet desert place,
Or maybe on the mountain,
Where the sunrise showed His face.
Or maybe at the seaside,
Where the bright waves toss and play,
Was it at the sunset,
Did He speak to you that way?
Or maybe when you’re horseback,
Lookin’ out between those ears,
At all that He created,
For me that way for years.
When I was in my hard times,
Sometimes I rode at night,
Then stop and build a campfire,
And long before daylight,
I’d look up at the stars above,
And listen to the sounds,
Sometimes I felt the Spirit,
In the quiet comin’ ‘round.
And often out there ridin’,
Tryin’ to gather some old steer,
I’d stop and think about the Lord,
And sense His presence near.
I know He’s always with us,
In fact He’s everywhere,
But we don’t always take the time,
To acknowledge that He’s there.
In times of loss and sadness,
I’d to the pasture go,
Seemed like in the saddle,
I’d feel His peace and know,
That He really loved me,
And I was not alone,
Always in a quiet place,
His light of love was shone.
I don’t know where you found Him,
But I pray He has found you,
‘Cause His love will heal us,
And you can have it, too.
His purpose was for the nations to seek Him and find Him- though He is not far from any of us. For in Him we live and move and exist…” (Acts 17:27-28, NLT)
He isn’t far from any of us. That’s what Paul said. He wants us not only to seek Him but to find Him, and in Him we already “live and move and exist.” My old friend, Dr. Millard Box, loved to quote this scripture. He’d say, “In Him we live and move and have our be-ing.” Then he would add, “We must learn to be before we can learn to do.” Lots of truth in those words. Learning to be fully human means being who God created us to be, and accepting His highest revelation, Jesus, and the salvation provided through Him. No matter what catalyst God uses, when we find Him, we find ourselves. We then realize that He was always there, and feel surprise because it took us so long to realize it.
Lord, help us to find You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.