

Why, just tell me why,

If you’re a cowboy you will try,

To do the thing, your effort bring,

It’s always do or die.


Whatever that they tell you,

That you’re too old or can’t do,

Exactly that, pull down your hat,

And show ‘em that you ain’t through.


Call it pride or ego,

Or maybe courage he’ll show,

In you confide, that bronc he’ll ride,

Screwed down, lets his fear go.


He’ll do it, hell for leather,

And let ‘er buck whenever,

Odds stacked wrong, but topped off strong,

And give no mind to weather.


It’s all that makes his heartbeat,

And you won’t find much retreat,

Call it true, what he tells you,

He hears a different drumbeat.


Cowboy on and don’t wait,

For those who’re closing your gate,

There still is time for you to find,

What some will think is too late.


But cowboy, you know better,

And what they say can’t fetter,

What you dream, means everything,

Cowboy up, go get ‘er.

“Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you continue to do God’s will…” (Hebrews 10:36, NLT)

LIfe is full of examples of people who endured great challenges to prevail. One of my favorites is the story of Eric Weihenmayer, the first blind person to climb Mt. Everest. I med Eric in Orlando, Florida where we both happened to be speaking at a conference. He was a dynamic individual, and some months later, we followed his progress online as he conquered the world’s highest peak. Later he wrote a book about his adventure, “Touch the Top of the World.” Someone has said the way to get an old cowboy to do something is suggest that he’s too old to do it! As believers in Jesus Christ, we learn to persevere through trials so that we can make progress spiritually. God empowers us to do what we cannot otherwise do, and it is His pleasure to prove our critics wrong. Don’t give up. Keep on. Give God something to bless, and He will help you get to where He wants you to go.

Lord, help us patiently endure, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Teal Blake, tealblake.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Teal, and God bless you.

Brad McClain