"Wide Circle"
Horseback days and sunshine rays,
Wide circles he once rode,
Cowboy seeds and bucking steeds,
Memory’s harvest he once sowed.
In his way so quick to say,
Others won the gold,
But his reward none could record,
So few saw him take hold.
No matter then those rides back when,
A chasin’ hide and horn,
But when time came, they called his name,
To the cowboy life was born.
Could read a cow, a sure know how,
To do what must be done,
A horseback man, no doubt he can,
Still catch the wild that run.
Nothing to prove, a slower move,
Now at this older age,
Come on, let’s go and don’t you know,
Still cowboy at this stage.
And if you ask he’ll tell you fast,
Just live until you die,
Don’t slack off or e’er go soft,
But saddle up and try.
The Good Lord knows when this will close,
And not a day before,
Numbers days, with us always,
Till time for heaven’s shore.
“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NIV)
The Lord knows how long our lives on this earth will be. We are counseled to number our days wisely. Paul spoke of redeeming the time by being controlled by the Holy Spirit. All of this is far more than just having a positive attitude. It’s about surrendering each day to the Lordship of Jesus and allowing him to help us maximize each day. My grandaddy used to look at someone and say, “Just look at them. They’re already dead, just need someone to throw the dirt on ‘em.” That may sound cruel, but there are many people who give up on life far before it’s really over. Live right to the end, in Jesus’ name.
Lord, teach us to live wisely, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission. Thanks, Kirstie, and God bless y ou.