"Wonder Why"

Is it okay to wonder why,

Things happen like they do,

And question why sometimes the wrong,

Beats out the right, it’s true.


Around the cowboy campfire,

Sometimes someone will say,

I just don’t understand just why,

Things turned out that-a-way.


Some blame it on the devil,

And surely he’s the one,

That causes so much trouble,

We have to overcome.


But I’m not sure he is to blame,

For some things people do,

Might just be human meanness,

That makes it happen, too.


Sometimes I hear ‘em blame the Lord,

‘Cause He knows everything,

The Good Book says He’s in control,

But it’s hard for me to bring,


All the parts together,

And then say it was Him,

‘Cause evil never is His will,

Sometimes my sight gets dim,


With seeing how it all works out,

I know that in the end,

All tongues confess and knees will bow,

When Jesus comes again.


But until then I choose to trust,

Put all in Jesus’ hands,

I know that’s all that I can do,

When I don’t understand.


Evil will not triumph,

God has the final say,

And all that I can’t answer,

Will not get in my way.

“…that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord…” (Ephesians 2:10-11, NLT)

When these words were written Christians were being persecuted and Caesar ruled supremely over the Roman Empire. Immorality and injustice were rampant, and there was no end to it in sight. Yet Paul said every knee would bow and every tongue would confess Jesus Christ is Lord. That’s faith! And when things become challenging for us and we cannot understand why God allows things to happen the way they do, it is important to remember. We may not understand the immediate, but we do understand the ultimate. We may be besieged on every side with the temporal, but we know all will be resolved by the eternal. That’s why time and time again, the scriptures point us to God’s ultimate triumph. Don’t give up. Jesus is Lord.

Lord, help us realize that one day every enemy will submit to You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Kenneth Wyatt, kennethwyatt.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Kenneth, and God bless you.

Brad McClain