
Dad used to say it long ago,

Don’t ever ask a man,

To do for you what you won’t do,

He followed that old plan.


Don’t fear the time and effort,

The sweat, and yes, the dirt,

‘Cause when the chore is finished,

You’ll find it didn’t hurt,


For you to cure your lazy,

Presumption they should give,

Something that you didn’t earn,

It’s just not how we live.


Do your best and get it done,

And show that you will work,

Don’t expect a hand-out,

Nor your best effort shirk.


Entitlement is poison,

Don’t let it steal your drive,

‘Cause accomplishment rewards you,

And shows you are alive.


The Lord, He loves a worker,

Will bless a man who will,

He graces for salvation,

But our days with work will fill.

“Those unwilling to work will not get to eat…” (2 Thessalonians 3:10, NLT)

These words from the apostle Paul may seem harsh, but it he was dealing with those who had no work ethic. They were lazy, and expecting others to provide for them. This is what Paul was trying to remedy. Many feel that work is a curse, caused by the fall of Adam and Eve. But this is not true. The first couple were actually assigned responsibility for caring for the garden before they sinned. All things considered, work is an important part of our lives, and we should apply ourselves to labor consistently and thankfully.

Lord, help us work consistently and thankfully, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tyler Crow, tylercrow.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tyler, and God bless you.

Brad McClain