One thing that I am learning,
Is when something is small,
It doesn’t mean you’ve missed it,
Or somehow dropped the ball.
Where two or tHree are gathered,
The Lord said He would be,
You and just one other,
With Jesus, that makes three.
It’s just the day of small things,
And that means planting seeds,
That contain the big things,
That grow and meet the needs.
I have been discouraged,
And thought I wanted more,
I’ve rushed and prayed and labored,
And knocked on every door.
But you can’t rush the Spirit,
Or speed up heaven’s gait,
But trust in God’s own timing,
’Cause He is never late.
And big’s not always better,
And fast not always best,
But small seeds bring big harvest,
When you’re walking in God’s rest.
Life lived at a gallop,
Can make you miss a lot,
But moving slower, steady,
Maximizes what you’ve got.
You can count seeds in an apple,
Know the number that’s exact,
But you cannot count the apples,
That are in a seed, true fact.
So just take a moments,
That are given in the day,
Remember strung together,
There’s a lifetime that’s in play.
And plant the seed you’re given,
Just get it in the ground,
One day you’ll get the harvest,
With celebration all around.
”You will always harvest what you plant…” Galatian 6:7, NLT
Seeds are small but can produce big results. It’s both positively and negatively true. We must deal with the consequences of our choices. Choose wisely and on purpose, and the results will be a blessing. Choose selfishly and the consequences will be detrimental. God forgives but doesn’t miraculously bail us out of the harvest we have created. He does empower a small, new righteous choice in the right direction. It may be small to begin with, but will ultimately yield huge results.
Lord, help us faithfully plant the right seed, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.